Luxe Looks Bouquet

Luxe Looks Bouquet

Tap into the sunlit sophistication of this charming rose and Asiatic lily bouquet. Gorgeous fuchsia roses, fragrant yelllow stock, orange Asiatic lilies, peach hypericum berries and lush greens are brought together to form an exquisite flower bouquet. Presented in a modern clear glass vase, this stunning flower arrangement has a chic appeal that will bring an air of elegance to any celebration, including birthdays, anniversaries, or just to say thank you.Lilies may arrive in various stages of development. The lily blooms will continue to open, extending arrangement life - and your recipients enjoyment.

Substitution Policy

Occasionally, substitutions of flowers, containers or chocolates may be necessary due to weather, seasonality and market condition which may affect availability. However, Flowers by Lili will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.

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