Garden Bouquet Yellow

Item # 91631
Garden Bouquet Yellow

Make a garden of smiles grow when you surprise them with this gorgeous fresh bouquet crafted using mixed yellow blooms as carnations, alstroemeria and daisy poms. Artistically designed by our florists ,makes an ideal centerpiece or cute decor item. (Vase/Basket style may vary) Butterfly ???? is for image only. 

Substitution Policy

Occasionally, substitutions of flowers, containers or chocolates may be necessary due to weather, seasonality and market condition which may affect availability. However, Flowers by Lili will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.


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Garden Bouquet Yellow
Mylar Balloon
Garden Bouquet Yellow
Garden Bouquet Yellow
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Garden Bouquet Yellow
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